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Life Coaching


A life coach is a professional who helps people to identify and achieve their personal and professional goals. Life coaches work with clients to assess their current situation, identify their strengths and weaknesses, and develop a plan for moving forward.

During a coaching session your coach will walk by your side to help you to reach your ultimate goal and aspirations. They will listen to you, ask questions, find out what your challenges are and inspire you to reach that end goal. You will be encouraged to make decisions and take responsibility for these decisions.

(It is important to note that life coaches are not licensed therapists or counselors and do not provide mental health treatment or diagnosis. However, they can work in conjunction with mental health professionals to support clients in achieving their goals.)



Coaching is predominantly carried out over zoom or face to face. The usual procedure is that the client will contact the coach after arranging a convenient time and date.

The content of the session is dependent on your requirements and preferences; we can discuss this further in our call. Each session will be for 60 minutes unless otherwise stipulated. The coach will manage the timing of the session and ensure you gain full value from the session.


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