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Academic Life Coaching

We work with:

  • High School and University Students have a whole new academic style to adjust to. Are they handling it well?

  • Or maybe your child recently graduated from college but is still struggling to find direction.

  • Or maybe they're doing really well but just need some guidance and support on the road ahead.

  • Or perhaps they are unclear as to their career direction and options.


What is Academic Life Coaching?

Academic Life Coaching is a well-established method that supports individuals in achieving their objectives while also holding them accountable. It involves a collaborative effort between a coach and a student, with the coach helping the student to identify their goals, evaluate obstacles, and develop effective solutions. Coaching is widely used across various domains, including business, sports, and the arts. Our firm is among the select few that offer Academic Life Coaching services, specifically designed to help students excel in their academic pursuits while reducing stress levels


What are the benefits of Academic Life Coaching?

Working with an Academic Life Coach can have a transformative impact on students, instilling them with greater self-assurance and a sense of agency in pursuing their aspirations. Through coaching, students can gain greater clarity and direction in setting academic and career goals for themselves. Parents can take solace in the fact that their child is receiving dedicated support from a coach who is fully invested in their success. As students transition into university life, parents may struggle to provide effective support and may worry about their child's progress. In such situations, we have found that a neutral coaching approach can be particularly effective in providing an extra layer of support for students, even when they are away from home.


How long do students typically spend in this program?

We have the pleasure of serving students throughout their academic journeys, from start to finish. With a wide range of topics and objectives to pursue, our coaching services are tailored to suit the individual needs of each student. Some students may wish to focus on specific skills for a short period, while others may prefer an ongoing engagement. Our coaching program is designed to be flexible to accommodate the unique goals and schedules of our students. However, based on our experience, we have found that weekly sessions spanning over three months or more tend to yield the most favorable outcomes.


What grade levels do you offer coaching for?

We have observed that coaching is especially beneficial for students in high school and college. However, we also provide coaching services to recent college graduates who may be grappling with uncertainty and seeking guidance, as well as to young professionals who are excelling in their careers but may face challenges in staying organized and focused. Our coaching program is designed to cater to the unique needs and circumstances of each individual, regardless of their academic or professional background.


How long is each session?

Strategy Sessions are typically an hour long. Students meet over video chat with their Coach at a scheduled time each week or month. Students may contact me at any time over text and email.


What topics are covered during sessions?

Our coaching program primarily focuses on the following topics: time management, organization, communication, and career development. However, we recognize that students are multifaceted individuals with unique aspirations and challenges. As such, we provide customized coaching services tailored to the individual needs of each student. During our initial session, we work closely with the student to understand their overall goals, challenges, and expectations for the coaching process. We value the student's input and preferences and strive to be flexible and adaptable to their needs. Unlike a fixed curriculum, our coaching program is dynamic and responsive, ensuring that every student receives personalized support and guidance.


Do Academic Life Coaches do any work on behalf of students?

As Academic Life Coache, our role is to empower students to achieve their academic goals and develop their own capabilities. We do not engage in completing work or speaking on behalf of the student. Instead, we offer guidance and support to help students approach their work with greater confidence and clarity. We are happy to provide advice on strategies for completing assignments, identifying resources, and reaching out to relevant individuals, such as parents, teachers, and admissions counselors. However, it is important to note that students are expected to take full responsibility for their own work and communication with others. Our coaching program is designed to help students develop a sense of ownership and accountability over their academic and personal pursuits.


What if my student isn't motivated to do work?

To derive maximum benefits from our coaching program, students must be willing to invest more effort than they would while working independently. While our coaching services can be a valuable resource for students facing academic challenges, it is important to note that students with significant motivational or behavioral issues may not be a good fit for coaching unless they are working with a mental health professional who specifically recommended a Coach.

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